There is a basic information sheet for the product. You can call it up under the following link or request it on paper under the contact details given.
Allianz Life Cover & Health
Accident insurance: protection always & everywhere
Did you know that 85% of all accidents happen during leisure time, at home or in traffic, but that your statutory accident insurance does not cover consequential damage resulting from them?
Our offer for your protection
The Allianz accident insurance at a glance
Child Accident Insurance
Accident Insurance
Every premium euro, whether from a household, car or life insurance, is invested by your insurer on the capital market. As an insurance customer, you have the choice of whom to entrust your money. With Allianz you can be sure: we invest your money according to the strictest criteria, controlled by the WWF.

Why you need accident insurance

If an accident does not happen at the workplace or on the way to work, you will usually be left empty-handed. This is because the statutory health insurance covers the costs of acute treatment, but not additional costs caused by the accident, such as loss of earnings, expenses for medical aids, necessary alterations or pension benefits as a result of permanent disability.
Private provision is a must in order to protect yourself in case of an emergency. Especially if you work part-time, without own acquisition or are retired or would like to insure your children against accident risks, a private accident insurance becomes a decisive investment in your safety.
Private provision is a must in order to protect yourself in case of an emergency. Especially if you work part-time, without own acquisition or are retired or would like to insure your children against accident risks, a private accident insurance becomes a decisive investment in your safety.
Do you need help?
We would be happy to advise and inform you about private accident insurance!
A fast and simple claims process!

Step 1:
If an accident has happened and you suffer damages,
you should report it to us immediately.

Step 2:
Please fill in the claim form completely and
send it to us. The form is available online,
and we will be happy to send it to you
on request.

Step 3:
We will provide you with all the necessary information about
the further procedure for processing the claim.
In this way you are kept up to date
on the processing status of your claim.
Would you like to report a claim?

Find documents relevant for you

Forms, sample contracts, templates, insurance conditions, info-sheets and other useful documents