• Insured for 365 days worldwide
  • Unlimited trips up to a duration of 62 days
  • International health insurance, cancellation, curtailment & more
Worldwide cover for as many trips as you like,
without having to think about insurance

All your trips are insured from the first overnight stay up to a maximum duration of 62 days.

Assumption of medical treatment,
Patient transport, rescue & repatriation
Reimbursement of costs per private trip in the event of cancellation or curtailment in the agreed amount
Incl. COVID-19 cover, excess protection
for hire cars or luggage insurance
In an emergency and for all other concerns
regarding your trip, you can reach us at any time
Comprehensive protection for the
whole family in a shared household
Quick overview of our travel insurance: 
Annual travel insurance makes sense if you travel several times a year and don't want to think about travel insurance every time.
The costs often pay for themselves from the second trip (depending on the duration and price of the trip).
  • Lost your passport, missed a flight or had an accident with your hire car? Travel Assistance offers expert advice in exceptional situations
  • Legal assistance or answers to questions about medical treatment options in the vicinity
  • Organisation of a medically supervised return journey
  • Support in Austria after an accident, illness or hospitalisation
The cost of annual travel insurance is roughly equivalent to conventional travel insurance for 2 weeks in the USA. Therefore, if you are travelling several times a year, it may be worth taking out insurance from the second trip onwards. Allianz offers annual travel insurance for individuals from as little as € 239 per year.
Are you planning just one trip and want to make sure you are optimally covered? Our experts will be happy to advise you.
Depending on how often you travel, you can choose between one-off travel insurance and annual travel insurance. Annual travel insurance is already worthwhile from one expensive, longer trip per year. You are also automatically insured for short or spontaneous holidays.
Travel insurance offers you financial protection while you are travelling. Costs resulting from illness and accidents or the loss of your luggage are covered. Travel cancellation insurance is also part of the travel insurance. Even for trips cancelled at short notice, you will be reimbursed by Allianz for the costs of private trips.

If you have taken out annual travel insurance before or at the same time as booking your trip, you are guaranteed trip cancellation cover.

If you only take out the annual travel insurance after booking the trip, the cancellation insurance is only valid from the 10th day after taking out the insurance (receipt of the policy), provided that the start of the trip is at least 30 days after taking out the insurance.

Allianz's annual travel insurance covers costs due to trip cancellation and curtailment and also offers luggage insurance, car hire excess protection and health insurance abroad in the event of accident and illness.
With Allianz annual travel insurance, you have the option of taking out insurance for an individual or for families. In the family tariff, up to five children up to the age of 21 can also be insured.
Travel insurance with a term of more than 3 years can be cancelled for the first time at the end of the third insurance year and thereafter annually with a notice period of one month. In addition, Allianz travel insurance can be cancelled after the occurrence of an insured event.

Get individual advice now, in person or online. 

Your experts for insurance, pensions and investments

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