Legal protection insurance

✔    Choose your preferred lawyer.

✔    Insurance coverage worldwide: financial compensation and legal protection, after accidents while travelling.

✔    Triple the sum insured.

✔    For urgent cases: special price for legal advice by phone.


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Compensation and legal protection

Compensation for damages and legal protection in the private and business sector

Damage example: You are injured by another person while skiing. He refuses to compensate and replace the broken ski suit.


Legal protection for criminal damages

Legal protection including insurance cover for criminal investigations in private and business sectors

Damage example: You seriously injure a passer-by, while riding your bike. Now you are facing criminal charges of negligent assault. Your legal protection insurance accompanies you through all instances.


Worldwide insurance coverage after accidents involving personal injury while travelling
Damage example: During a two-week holiday in the USA, your child is hit by a car. Compensation claims for personal injury and damaged clothes will be asserted.
Legal protection for taxes in the private and business sectors

Damage example: In the event of a legal dispute with the tax authority regarding your employee assessment, a complaint to the Administrative Court is necessary after exhaustion of the process. The costs for this complaint are covered by your legal protection.


Data protection in the private sector

Damage example: You want to take out a loan with a bank and you are told that you are not creditworthy. However, this is not true. You will then want to know where this information comes from and have it corrected or deleted accordingly.



Schadenersatz-Rechtsschutz für Schäden an den eigenen Wohnzwecken dienenden Gebäuden und Wohnungen

Der undichte Anschluss einer Waschmaschine verursacht eine Überschwemmung. In Ihrer darunter liegenden Wohnung werden Bilder und Teppiche beschädigt. Es wird um die Höhe des eingetretenen Schadens gestritten.

Advice and legal protection in the private and business sector
Damage example: Your landlord has raised the rent. You would like to know whether this is legal or not.
not included
Contractual legal protection in the private sector

Damage example: The bill for colouring your flat is much higher than agreed. In addition, the work was carried out sloppily. Nevertheless, the master painter charges the full amount.

Damage example Internet legal protection: When ordering online, you provide your account number, the money is debited, but the delivered goods are damaged. The online retailer does not respond to your complaints.


not included
Legal protection while traveling abroad
Damage example: During your holiday you book a ferry. At the port you are informed that you can leave only in three days.
As a result, you have to arrange an accommodation yourself. Your legal protection fights for the payment of your additional costs.
not included
Extended personal legal protection for patients
not included
Social security legal protection in the private and business sectors
Damage example: The accident on the way back home from work was not recognized as an accident at work.  Allianz is your strong partner in such event.
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not included
Extended cover for part-time self-employment
Damage example: You would like to build an additional income, for example by selling parties for dishes. However, your client refuses to pay arranged costs or will only pay delayed.  With our legal protection insurance, you no longer have to let yourself be consoled.
not included
not included
Labour legal protection in the business section
Damage example: Your employer refuses to pay you extra hours for longer working hours on business trips. With your legal expenses insurance, you can assert this claim in court if necessary.
not included
not included

We protect your rights, no matter what it is about: Whether you need a quick, uncomplicated legal advice by phone, the settlement of extra-judicial matters, writting of letters from a legal perspective or a represantation in court - whenever it comes to your rights, we are here to help. 

Sometimes it can cost a fortune to protect your rights!

The financial risk of litigation can be enormous. The costs of the own and opposing attorney, court and witness fees as well as further epenses for experts can be requested in whole or in part - depending on the process itself, but also which party wins or looses the trial. 

Even if you win, you can be obligated to pay court costs. This might happen, if your opponent is not solvent. In this case, you must pay the costs for your own lawyer and the court fees (as a plaintiff) yourself.

With Allianz legal protection you are fully protected: Allianz covers your litigation costs. 
For you, your spouse or partner and - under certain conditions - also for your children up to the age of 25.


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