Your health insurance – for a quick recovery

Health cannot be bought with money. But together with the appropriate private health insurance, we can ensure that you are in the best hands in case of an emergency.

There is a basic information sheet for the product. You can call it up under the following link or request it on paper under the contact details given.
Every premium euro, whether from a household, car or life insurance, is invested by your insurer on the capital market. As an insurance customer, you have the choice of whom to entrust your money. With Allianz you can be sure: we invest your money according to the strictest criteria, controlled by the WWF.

Advantages of private health insurance:

  • the best medical care
  • the highest comfort
  • wellness and fitness
  • financial security
The following additional benefits can be taken out in combination with an Allianz health insurance policy:
Health insurance for travel abroad:

With Health Assistance for travel abroad , you are also optimally protected when travelling around the world.

Service after accident or illness:

A home help service will help you if you are restricted in your everyday life due to accident or illness.
Every two years you receive as an additional service a hotel stay around wellness, sports and relaxation for two.

Do you need help?

We are happy to inform and advise you about our health insurance!

My Health

You have private health insurance with Allianz and would like to submit your doctor or pharmacy bills?

This is also possible online - simple, uncomplicated and fast! Simply download the new Allianz My Health app, register and get started!
man with tablet in front of the house
1. Treatment

You have been to your doctor or have been prescribed to do physiotherapy, to buy glasses or medication and pay the bill. Please copy or photograph the invoice and prescription (= doctor's prescription) or Bank transfer!
house with fire and flooding
2. Submitting to social insurance

Please submit the invoice to your statutory health insurance company first. In the event of a refund from your health insurance company, you will usually receive the remaining amount - and thus up to 100% of your costs will be refunded by us.
men shaking hands
3. Submitting to Allianz

You have received written feedback from your social insurance company? Please send us these including the related documents (invoice, medical referral, prescription). You can submit your application by app, e-mail(krankenversicherung@allianz. at) or post.

Would you like to report a claim?


Find documents relevant for you

Forms, sample contracts, templates, insurance conditions, info-sheets and other useful documents