Residential Assistance

✔    emergencies in your flat or house 

✔    all electrical appliances in the insured flat

  • Damage to the plumbing and/or drainage system, 
  • blocked toilets, baths and washbasins, 
  • failure of the power supply system, 
  • damage to external locks, roofs, doors or windows of the apartment/house due to storm, fire, smoke, burglary, attempted burglary or vandalism, 
  • lock-out from the insured apartment, the Assistance Center will arrange for the unlocking and/or replacement of the lost or stolen key, 
  • infestation of your apartment/house by rats, mice, insects or wasps' and hornets' nests
up to  400,- per insured event (max. 4 per year)

Failure of your household appliances of gas/electric cooker, washing machine, tumble dryer, refrigerator, freezer and dishwasher, if the following conditions for these appliances are fulfilled:

  • these were put into operation at your address stated in the insurance certificate and are functional at the beginning of the insurance,
  • these are not older than 5 years from the date of first purchase, the purchase price is at least €150,-, maximum €2. 500,- per appliance,
  •  There is no legal warranty, manufacturer's warranty, dealer warranty or any other extended warranty.

 up to  400,- per insured event (max. 4 per year)

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