When someone is torn out of life, there remains the painful loss of a loved one and the pressing question of how to finance the rest of their life or continue to pay back an outstanding loan.
Allianz Life Cover & Health
Surviving Dependants' Insurance
Completely unexpectedly, people are torn from their families every day. The Allianz Surviving Dependants' Insurance helps.
Our offer for your family
The Allianz Insurance at a glance
Death insurance
Funeral expenses
It is not easy to think of one's own demise. In case of emergency everything should be arranged. Prevention also means thinking about the costs of a dignified burial and a place of rest that meets one's own wishes.
There is a basic information sheet for the product. You can call it up under the following link or request it on paper under the contact details given.
Every premium euro, whether from a household, car or life insurance, is invested by your insurer on the capital market. As an insurance customer, you have the choice of whom to entrust your money. With Allianz you can be sure: we invest your money according to the strictest criteria, controlled by the WWF.
Do you need help?
We would be happy to advise and inform you about our surviving dependants' insurance!
Would you like to report a claim?

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