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Frequently asked questions and answers
My Car & Vehicles
My Car & Vehicles
Furthermore, an electric vehicle and a vehicle with an internal combustion engine can only be registered on a licence plate if no green electric licence plate is used. For more information and further details on the registration of interchangeable number plates, please contact our registration offices.
Attention: All required documents for all vehicles must be available at the time of registration. So do not forget to check your documents for completeness. Here you will find all information about the admission !
Frequently asked questions and answers
Vehicle Liability Insurance (COMFORT package)
Vehicle Liability Insurance (COMFORT package)
Vehicle liability insurance covers property damage, financial loss and personal injury caused by your vehicle to others: for example, damage to other vehicles or things (such as a road that becomes dirty due to the escape of engine oil), but not damage to your own vehicle. This is only covered by comprehensive insurance.
Insured are vehicle owner, driver, policyholder, owner and passengers. The motor vehicle liability insurance also protects against unjustified claims for damages against you as the owner of the vehicle.
The sum covered is the maximum amount your car insurance pays in the event of a claim.
Any costs incurred beyond this must be borne by you.
It therefore makes sense not to rely exclusively on the legally prescribed minimum amount of cover.
The start date of the contract period and coverage are stated in your insurance policy. These data are valid as long as the payment of the first insurance premium has been made on time and in full.
By issuing an insurance certificate, you can ensure that the insurance cover begins before the policy is sent, so that your vehicle can be registered for road traffic immediately.
In any case, it refers to the territory of Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
In Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Belarus, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova and Ukraine, however, the Green Card is mandatory. However, the so-called "Small Green Card" is sufficient in these cases, which can be applied for free at your vehicle liability insurer.
For Azerbaijan, Iran, Israel, Morocco, Russia, Tunisia and Turkey a separate large Green Card must be issued by the insurer. In this case, the insurance premium is increased for the duration of the journey. If you are unable to present your Green Card at a traffic control, this may be a case for administrative fines. Checks are already carried out at the border.
By the way, the Green Card is not valid in Kosovo. Here you must take out a "border insurance".
In principle, it is advisable to carry a Green Card with you on all car journeys abroad to avoid problems.
It will be sent to you by post afterwords: please take the delivery time into account when planning your trip.
If you do not have access to the app or have problems with the registration in the customer portal, please contact our Allianz Customer Service (Mon-Fri 7:00-18:00) by +43 5 9009 580 or [email protected]
For example, if you:
- are driving without a valid driver's licence,
- let someone without a valid driver's licence drive your vehicle in a state impaired by alcohol or narcotics,
- drive more people than stated on the registration certificate,
- transport your vehicle in a non-operationally safe state
- use a vehicle without a licence plate
- fail to comply with other contractual obligations,
your motor vehicle liability insurance will cover the compensation for the victims of the accident, but will demand these costs (at least in part) from you by way of recourse. This right of recovery is limited to €22,000. If you have not paid your premium on time and the contract is therefore out of cover, you must expect to have to reimburse the entire costs.
If the contract concludes with a minimum term of one year, it is automatically renewed for a further year unless it is terminated in writing by the end of the month at the latest, observing the period of notice (in vehicle liability insurance: 1 month).
As a result of a claim, you can also cancel the vehicle liability insurance without giving reasons.
If the vehicle is sold, the buyer can terminate the contract immediately (usually the date of deregistration of the vehicle).
Frequently asked questions and answers
My Car (Plus, Extra and Max packages)
In contrast to the basic cover of vehicle liability insurance, kasko insurance is taken out on a voluntary basis.
It insures - depending on the chosen package and level of protection - against damage, destruction and loss of the vehicle as a result of natural forces (e.g. B. hail, rockfall, flooding), third-party fault (theft, vandalism or parking damage), exposure to animals (such as bites or collisions), fire, explosion or scorching damage, and glass breakage.
Within the scope of the fully comprehensive MAX package, you are also insured for the case of personal injury - even if this was caused by gross negligence.
Our fully comprehensive MAX package is especially recommended for vehicles that are as good as new or not older than 3 years.
Our partial cover package EXTRA can be a sensible alternative if your vehicle is 4 to 6 years old.
Our Naturkasko package PLUS is especially recommended for vehicles more than 6 years old for a cost-effective protection against risks such as wildlife accidents.
For example, if you:
- are driving without a valid driver's licence,
- let someone without a valid driver's licence drive your vehicle in a state impaired by alcohol or narcotics,
- drive more people than stated on the registration certificate,
- transport your vehicle in a non-operationally safe state
- use a vehicle without a licence plate
- fail to comply with other contractual obligations,
then you can face coverage limitations (i.e. reduction of the benefit by the agreed deductible) or the partial or complete loss of insurance cover.
Frequently asked questions and answers
Moped and motorcycle insurance
Moped and motorcycle insurance
If your vehicle is immobilized by deregistration or deposit of licence plates, the comprehensive insurance is limited to the garage risk: this means that from this moment on, only insured events occurring inside the garage or on the vehicle parking space are covered. For this we grant you a corresponding premium discount. Important:
Please do not forget to notify us immediately of the lifting of a shutdown!