Funeral expenses

✔    Ensure a dignified funeral.

✔    Telephone assistance with the organization of the funeral, upon request.

✔    Organization and cost assumption for the transfer of up to €30.000 in the event of death abroad.

✔    Nominal subscription right for a quick settlement without an inheritance procedure.

✔    Full coverage after only 3 years, in case of accidental death immediately.

✔    No health-related questions by the completion of the contract.

Please find a basic information sheet for this product linked below or request a printed version.

Thinking of your own death is uncommon. But since everyone of us will die one day, this topic affects all of us. Precaution regarding your own death also means thinking about the costs of a dignified funeral and a resting place that meets your own wishes.

With a funeral expenses insurance, you can be sure that everything will be in order. As hard as it might sounds: a funeral, even without individual requests, can cost around €14,000.

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