Would you like to submit your feedback?
You are important to us! We would like to offer you as a customer, but also as a damaged third party, first-class services and respond to your needs. Should it happen that our service does not meet your expectations, we are there for you and take your request seriously. We have an open ear for your complaints, questions and concerns - but also for your praise.
Let's talk! How to reach the Ombudsman's Office:
Call us by +43 5 9009 582
E-mail us [email protected]
or use our online-feedback form.
Let's talk! How to reach the Ombudsman's Office:
Call us by +43 5 9009 582
E-mail us [email protected]
or use our online-feedback form.
Further ways to submit your complains
If we are unable to fulfil your request, you have the opportunity to submit any complaints to the Information and Complaints Office of the Association of Austrian Insurance Companies (VVO, www. vvo. at), Schwarzenbergplatz 7, 1030 Vienna. Please use the following link: https://www.vvo.at/vvo/vvo.nsf/sysPages/Informations_Beschwerdestelle.html
In addition, consumers can also address any complaints to the office for insurance companies in the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection (address: Stubenring 1, 1010 Vienna Telephone: +43 1 71100862501 or +43 1 71100862504, E-mail:[email protected]).
Your right to take legal action remains unaffected.
The competent supervisory authority is the Austrian Financial Market Supervisory Authority (Otto-Wagner-Platz 5, 1090 Vienna).
In addition, consumers can also address any complaints to the office for insurance companies in the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection (address: Stubenring 1, 1010 Vienna Telephone: +43 1 71100862501 or +43 1 71100862504, E-mail:[email protected]).
Your right to take legal action remains unaffected.
The competent supervisory authority is the Austrian Financial Market Supervisory Authority (Otto-Wagner-Platz 5, 1090 Vienna).